2022 Season Summer

I wanted to take a moment to talk about caring for one another during the craziness of the current state of this world.

With so many tragedies going on globally and within our own country, many are struggling. The price of fuel, interest rates rising, defund the Police movements, lack of crime enforcement, and the criminals targeting our Police and innocent citizens. It is vital that we remain focused on the Cross and our Faith in who is really in charge. And that is the Lord.

It is easy to begin to focus on so many things that distract us from our service to the Kingdom. There are also many things that can take us away from the Holy scriptures.

We must remain diligent and steadfast in our Faith and really take time to love our neighbors and care for one another. We are reminded of this in the following verses:

“Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also the interests of others”

- Philippians 2:4


“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

So as we continue into 2022, let’s look up to the Cross, focus on our Faith, take care of each other and never forge who is really in charge, the Lord himself!

Pastor Yates
Task Force Heroes


2022 Season Celebration


2022 Season is Underway